Wednesday 28 January 2015

2015: January

New idea for 2015. We'll post a monthly blog, about just anything we've been doing, with news and links to our other page 'trips' when relevant.

This month we have mostly been watching telly. (And going to the pictures).
Whether this has all to do with January being grey and dull and it makes you want to hibernate, or following Christmas you're now trying to save money after dispensing with too much of it the month before, take your pick. All I know is Margaret hit the button on our 'Sky TV on demand' and 'Download Abbey' was in progress. Over the next few days all forty odd episodes appeared in our Planner box and the Downton Abbeython had begun.
Somehow over the last four years we have not, like most of the world, got caught up in watching this TV series. But hooked we are now. Trying to avoid people telling us what has happened isn't easy, though we are racing through the episodes at such a rate we'll soon be up to date, if that's correct terminology for a period drama set nearly a 100 years ago.

Contributing further to our square-eyed persona has been a number of movies. 'Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb' - 'The Hobbit: the Battle of the Five Armies' (Bill) - 'Interstellar' - 'Paddington' (Margaret) - and 'Birdman'.

Hopefully February will see us come out of hiding and more sociable behaviour will resume.
x M&B