Monday 18 January 2016

Lumiere London

Aquarium. In a Telephone Box
A fantastic Light festival came to London over the weekend in the shape of Lumiere London. Produced by Artichoke the 30 Light Works were on for four evenings, illuminating the city from 6.30pm to 10.30pm.
With a variety of amazing installations from different artists, and with Regent Street and Piccadilly closed to traffic, London was transformed and taken over by thousands of people enjoying the FREE show in a great atmosphere of wonder and happily just getting out in the city.

If you look carefully at the Aquarium (right) you'll see the pay phone dialling box (top left).

Called 1.8 London. This enormous net sculpture floated above Oxford Circus. 
Luminéoles above Regent Street.
Garden of Light, Leicester Square.

Margaret by the Garden of Light.
We didn't see everything and this is just a selection of the many shifting and changing light displays and of all the photos we took. 

Margaret had taken videos and animated sound bites of 'Keyframes' dancing all over a building, bird boxes in the 'Sanctuary' and 'Lightbenches'. Some of these files were pretty large, which I couldn't reduce, so I decided against loading them.
However I have placed one of the smaller files at the very end - more as an experiment to see - no sound I'm afraid but the LuminĂ©oles do float back and forth to give you some idea. 

The Light of the Spirit.
On the West Front of Westminster Abbey, were kaleidoscopic illuminations by Patrice Warrener.