Thursday 25 June 2015

15th June: 1215 – 2015

Magna Carta 800th - The River Relay

Two days before the official ceremony at Runnymede to mark 800 years since Magna Carta, a river relay took place starting at Hurley and arriving at Runnymede on 15th June. This received very little TV coverage by comparison. We were there at Hurley Riverside for that start at 9am, to witness the re-enactment of the story and the first boats leave to row down river.
Later in the day we caught them at Cookham Moorings. Joined by the Queen's Row Barge 'Gloriana' and an extended cast of players for another performance all about the Great Charter. (We took a 13 minute video - which unfortunately is way to large a file to post here).
For more on Magna Carta:

This way to Runnymede.
Queen's Row Barge 'Gloriana' arriving at Cookham accompanied by numerous river craft.
Transporting the Charter, the lady (centre) wearing glasses, has the scrolls.
'Gloriana' on route to a place in history.