Monday 12 December 2016

2016 - that was

Thought we'd post a final blog by way of a summing up of 2016 - it's been a funny ol' year!

The highlight was probably Vietnam way back in March. Keeping up with Scott and Issie since has involved seeing them either side of the Rio Olympics and following their travels across and back into Asia these last three months.
It has been a year for us in which other holidays didn't quite come off as hoped. Italy, Ireland and Cornwall all made it to an advanced stage of planning that sadly didn't happen this year. Gone, but not forgotten, that's for sure.

We're left therefore to tell you of a couple of trips that did…
Margaret went over to Cape Town in November to see her mum and the rest of the family there. She wasn't gone long, but had enough time to catch up: discover garden centres with lovely restaurants, find new beaches, go to a school play and walk 5k for charity.

Throughout The Color Run for charity everyone got showered in multi coloured powder.

A cleaner pastime - lunch at the garden centre.

While Margaret was away I kept out of mischief by finally getting around to doing my version of the London Underground 'Tube Challenge'. Click this link for my lowdown on the 'TRIP OUT ON THE TUBE'.

That's it 2016 - and no mention of the 'B' word or the 'T' word - bet you're glad of that 😊